Browsing Brage by Author "Skaugen, Thomas"
Now showing items 1-20 of 40
Anthropogenic impacts on continental surface water fluxes
Haddeland, Ingjerd; Skaugen, Thomas; Lettenmaier, Dennis (Journal article, 2006)Impacts of reservoirs and irrigation water withdrawals on continental surface water fluxes are studied within the framework of the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model for a part of North America, and for Asia. A ... -
Application of the Senorge 1D model to Armenian snow data
Skaugen, Thomas (Report, 2010)The Senorge snow model is used to simulate snow depth and snow water equivalent for five Armenian sites with existing time series of precipitation and temperature. For particular years there are measurements of snow depth ... -
Changes in snow depth in Norway during the period 1961–2010
Dyrrdal, Anita Verpe; Saloranta, Tuomo; Skaugen, Thomas; Stranden, Heidi Bache (Journal article, 2013)Observed trends in annual maximum snow depth (SD) in Norway are analyzed and examined in the context of changes in winter climate from 1961 until today. Trends are evaluated for the 50-year period (1961–2010) and for three ... -
DDDUrban, ny urbanhydrologisk modell, – resultater fra SURF-prosjektet
Lawrence, Deborah; Ortega, Rengifo Zenon; Skaugen, Thomas (Journal article, 2020)Økt urbanisering og klimaforandringer etterspør urbanhydrologiske modeller som kan beskrive urban avrenning også for områder med lite målinger. Vi presenterer en parameter gjerrig nedbør-avløps modell, DDDUrban som beskriver ... -
Dynamical properties of the spatial distribution of snow
Skaugen, Thomas; Beldring, Stein; Udnæs, Hans-Christian (Journal article, 2003)A simulation exercise has been performed to study the temporal development of snow covered area and the spatial distribution of snow-water equivalent (SWE). Special consideration has been paid to how the properties of the ... -
Effects of irrigation on the water and energy balances of the Colorado and Mekong river basins
Haddeland, Ingjerd; Lettenmaier, Dennis P.; Skaugen, Thomas (Journal article, 2006)An irrigation scheme, based on simulated soil moisture deficit, has been included in the variable infiltration capacity macroscale hydrologic model. Water withdrawals are taken from the nearest river, or, in periods of ... -
Estimating catchment-scale groundwater dynamics from recession analysis – enhanced constraining of hydrological models
Skaugen, Thomas; Mengistu, Zelalem (Journal article, 2016)In this study, we propose a new formulation of subsurface water storage dynamics for use in rainfall–runoff models. Under the assumption of a strong relationship between storage and runoff, the temporal distribution of ... -
Estimating extreme areal precipitation in Norway from a gridded dataset
Skaugen, Thomas; Dyrrdal, Anita Verpe; Stordal, Frode; Førland, Eirik J. (Journal article, 2015)To obtain estimates of extreme areal precipitation in Norway, the Norwegian Meteorological Institute currently applies a statistical method that combines measured point precipitation, empirical growth factors, and areal ... -
Estimating the mean areal snow water equivalent from satellite images and snow pillows
Skaugen, Thomas (Hydra rapport;1998:2, Report, 1998)By modelling the snow accumulation process in time and space as sums of random gamma distributed variables, the mean areal snow water equivalent (SWE) can be estimated. In the methodology we make use of the fact that sums ... -
Evaluering av flomvarslingas modellverktøy
Væringstad, Thomas; Langsholt, Elin; Skaugen, Thomas (Report, 2014)Resultater fra 98 nedbørfelt simulert med HBV, ODM og DDD modellen er vurdert. DDD har noe bedre treff og færre falske alarmer enn HBV og ODM for alternativene der det ikke tillates en tidsforskyvning mellom observerte og ... -
Forbedring av flomvarslingas verktøy
Langsholt, Elin; Haddeland, Ingjerd; Skaugen, Thomas; Beldring, Stein; Holmqvist, Erik; Stranden, Heidi Backe (Report, 2015)Denne sluttrapporten oppsummerer resultater og leveranser fra prosjektet 81057. Prosjektet har hatt som fokus å videreutvikle flomvarslingens modellrammeverk og forbedre de hydrologiske modellprognosene så treffsikkerheten ... -
Hydrologic effects of land and water management in North America and Asia: 1700–1992
Haddeland, Ingjerd; Skaugen, Thomas; Lettenmaier, Dennis (Journal article, 2006)The hydrologic effects of land use changes, dams, and irrigation in North America and Asia over the past 300 years are studied using a macroscale hydrologic model. The simulation results indicate that the expansion of ... -
Karakteristiske tidsparametre for hydrologisk respons i urbane og naturlige nedbørsfelt
Skaugen, Thomas (NVE Rapport;25/2022, Report, 2022)Ved å vurdere reisetidsfordelinger, dvs hvordan avløp fra en nedbørshendelse fordeles i tid, kan vi angi en karakteristisk varighet for nedbørhendelser som bør ligge til grunn for ekstremverdianalyse og dimensjonering. ... -
Kvantifisering av usikkerhet i meteorologiske og hydrologiske prognoser
Skaugen, Thomas (Notat;3, Report, 1999)Delprosjekt HYDRA F7, "Kvantifisering av usikkerhet i hydrologiske og meteorologiske prognoser", ble delvis initiert på bakgrunn av de store avvik mellom prognosene fra flomvarslingen på NVE og Glommens og Laagens ... -
Location Is Everything, but Climate Gets a Share: Analyzing Small-Scale Environmental Influences on Breeding Success in the White-Throated Dipper
Nilsson, Anna L. K.; Reitan, Trond; Skaugen, Thomas; L’Abée-Lund, Jan Henning; Gamelon, Marlène; Jerstad, Kurt; Røstad, Ole Wiggo; Slagsvold, Tore; Stenseth, Nils C.; Vøllestad, L. Asbjørn; Walseng, Bjørn (Journal article, 2020-10)Ecological and evolutionary effects of environmental variation on wild populations are of particular interest in a changing world. Large-scale environmental indices are classically used as environmental explanatory variables ... -
LOD-tiltak på nedbørsfelt skala; – hva er effekten av regnbed for avløpet i et urbanfelt på Grefsen-Kjelsås i Oslo?
Lawrence, Deborah; Ortega, Rengifo Zenon; Skaugen, Thomas (Journal article, 2020)Vi har testet effekten av LOD tiltak (regnbed) på totalavløpet fra et 0.3 km2 stort nedbørsfelt med ca 500 husstander på Grefsen Kjelsås i Oslo. Ved hjelp av en nyutviklet urbanhydrologisk nedbør-avløpsmodell, DDDUrban, ... -
Metoder for å måle vannføring i umålte felt
Skaugen, Thomas; Langsholt, Elin (Journal article, 2007)Forvaltning og utnyttelse av vannressursene stiller i dag høye krav til robusthet og pålitelighet når det gjelder metoder for beregning av vannføring i umålte felt. Temaet har internasjonalt fokus, og IAHS har tatt initiativet ... -
Modeling the snow depth variability with a high-resolution Lidar data set and nonlinear terrain dependency
Skaugen, Thomas; Melvold, Kjetil (Journal article, 2019)In the mountains of Norway, snow depth (SD) is highly variable due to strong winds and open terrain. To investigate snow conditions on one of Europe's largest mountain plateaus, Hardangervidda, we conducted snow measurement ... -
Modeling the spatial distribution of snow water equivalent, taking into account changes in snow-covered area
Skaugen, Thomas; Randen, Frode (Journal article, 2013)A good estimate of the spatial probability density function (PDF) of snow water equivalent (SWE) provides the mean of the snow reservoir, but also enables modelling of the changes in snow-covered area (SCA), which is crucial ... -
Modelling the spatial variability of snow water equivalent at the catchment scale
Skaugen, Thomas (Journal article, 2007)The spatial distribution of snow water equivalent (SWE) is modelled as a two parameter gamma distribution. The parameters of the distribution are dynamical in that they are functions of the number of accumulation and melting ...