FoU og forskningsartikler: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 176
Karakteristiske tidsparametre for hydrologisk respons i urbane og naturlige nedbørsfelt
(NVE Rapport;25/2022, Report, 2022)Ved å vurdere reisetidsfordelinger, dvs hvordan avløp fra en nedbørshendelse fordeles i tid, kan vi angi en karakteristisk varighet for nedbørhendelser som bør ligge til grunn for ekstremverdianalyse og dimensjonering. ... -
Colours and maps for communicating natural hazards to users with and without colour vision deficiency
(Journal article, 2022)Natural hazards are often communicated visually using colours and maps. However, users' ability to read and understand these products may be hampered by e.g., colour vision deficiency, potentially rendering the products ... -
Evaluation of two new-generation global soil databases for macro-scale hydrological modelling in Norway
(Journal article, 2022)Lack of national soil property maps limits the studies of soil moisture (SM) dynamics in Norway. One alternative is to apply the global soil data as input for macro-scale hydrological modelling, but the quality of these ... -
Uncertainty introduced by flood frequency analysis in projections for changes in flood magnitudes under a future climate in Norway
(Journal article, 2020)Study region: The study considers 115 unregulated catchments in Norway, with areas from 6 to 15,449 km2 and flood generation regimes ranging from snowmelt-dominated to ‘mixed’ (snow-melt and rainfall) to fully rainfall-d ... -
Hydraulisk modellering av flomløp med sideoverløp, kanal og lukka avløp
(NVE Ekstern rapport;2022:3, Report, 2022)Rapporten sammenstiller tilgjengelig kunnskap om forskjellige beregningsmetoder og modeller som kan benyttes for å finne kapasiteten til lukka flomløp med sideoverløp og samlekanal. Dette innbefatter metoder som handberegninger, ... -
Hydraulisk modellering av flomløp med sideoverløp, kanal og lukka avløp. Litteratur- og casestudier
(NVE Ekstern rapport;2022:10, Report, 2022)Rapporten tar for seg eksisterende teori og litteratur som kan benyttes for å finne kapasiteten til lukka flomløp med sideoverløp og samlekanal. Dette er supplert med nye og eksisterende casestudier av relevant karakter -
Present and future changes in winter climate indices relevant for access disruptions in Troms, northern Norway
(Journal article, 2020)A number of seaside communities in Troms, northern Norway, are vulnerable to sudden weather-induced access disruptions due to high-impact weather and dependency on one or few roads. In this paper we study changes in winter ... -
Glacier change in Norway since the 1960s – an overview of mass balance, area, length and surface elevation changes
(Journal article, 2020)In this paper, we give an overview of changes in area, length, surface elevation and mass balance of glaciers in mainland Norway since the 1960s. Frontal advances have been recorded in all regions except the northernmost ... -
An Event-Based Approach to Explore Selected Present and Future Atmospheric River–Induced Floods in Western Norway
(Journal article, 2020)The aim of this study is to investigate extreme precipitation events caused by atmospheric rivers and compare their flood impact in a warmer climate to current climate using an event-based storyline approach. The study was ... -
Impacts of hydrological model calibration on projected hydrological changes under climate change – a multi-model assessment in three large river basins
(Journal article, 2020)This study aimed to investigate the influence of hydrological model calibration/validation on discharge projections for three large river basins (the Rhine, Upper Mississippi and Upper Yellow). Three hydrological models ... -
New flood frequency estimates for the largest river in Norway based on the combination of short and long time series
(Journal article, 2020)The Glomma River is the largest in Norway, with a catchment area of 154 450 km2. People living near the shores of this river are frequently exposed to destructive floods that impair local cities and communities. Unfortunately, ... -
Diverging life cycle patterns of two Diamesa species (Diptera, Chironomidae) in High Arctic streams, Svalbard
(Journal article, 2021)The fauna of streams in the High Arctic, dominated by chironomids, is shaped by extreme environmental conditions that represent the physiological limits for benthic invertebrates. Despite their ecological importance, little ... -
Effects of pollution-induced changes in oxygen conditions scaling up from individuals to ecosystems in a tropical river network
(Journal article, 2021)Anthropogenic inputs of nutrients and organic matter are common in tropical lowland rivers while little is known about the pollution-induced changes in oxygen availability and respiratory performance of ectotherms in these ... -
(Journal article, 2021)Artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i dokumentasjon av norske breer fra 1949 til 1979. Overvåking og måling av isbreer ble initiert basert på potensialet for vannkraft. Fra dag én ble fotografering brukt til dokumentasjon, analyse ... -
SURF- urbanhydrologi i fokus
(Journal article, 2018)I løpet av 2018-2020 vil forskere ved NVE, MET og Oslo VAV arbeide med å forstå og modellere urbanhydrologi. Overvannsproblemer i byer og tettbygde strøk er kommet for å bli, og kommuner og sentrale institusjoner innen ... -
Estimating the mean areal snow water equivalent from satellite images and snow pillows
(Hydra rapport;1998:2, Report, 1998)By modelling the snow accumulation process in time and space as sums of random gamma distributed variables, the mean areal snow water equivalent (SWE) can be estimated. In the methodology we make use of the fact that sums ... -
DDDUrban, ny urbanhydrologisk modell, – resultater fra SURF-prosjektet
(Journal article, 2020)Økt urbanisering og klimaforandringer etterspør urbanhydrologiske modeller som kan beskrive urban avrenning også for områder med lite målinger. Vi presenterer en parameter gjerrig nedbør-avløps modell, DDDUrban som beskriver ... -
Trends in annual maximum snow water equivalent in Norway (1914-2008)
(Report, 2009)In this report, the large number of annual snow data measured annually by the power production companies and reported to NVE, is analysed for the detection of possible temporal trends. There are no indications of significant ... -
Time-variant snow distribution for use in hydrological models
(Journal article, 2017)A model is put forward which focuses on the dynamical evolution of the spatial distribution of snow water equivalent (SWE). We make use of the fact that when the accumulation and ablation process of the snow reservoir is ... -
Kvantifisering av usikkerhet i meteorologiske og hydrologiske prognoser
(Notat;3, Report, 1999)Delprosjekt HYDRA F7, "Kvantifisering av usikkerhet i hydrologiske og meteorologiske prognoser", ble delvis initiert på bakgrunn av de store avvik mellom prognosene fra flomvarslingen på NVE og Glommens og Laagens ...