Browsing FoU og forskningsartikler by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 176
Density of juvenile brown trout and Atlantic salmon in natural and man-natural riverine habitats
(Journal article, 1995)The density of juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) and Atlantic salmon (Salmon salar L.) was significantly higher along river bank areas protected against erosion than along natural river banks in the River Gaula, Central ... -
Biotopjusteringstiltak i vassdrag
(Kraft og miljø;, Report, 1995) -
Vulnerability of melanic Daphnia to brown trout predation
(Journal article, 1996)The coexistence of melanic Daphnia cf. longispina and facultatively planktivorous brown trout is reported from a clear-water, alpine lake. This co-occurrence is uncommon, presumably due to the vulnerability of pigmented ... -
An experimental test of the genetic component of the ontogenetic habitat shift in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus)
(Journal article, 1998)Fry of the Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, were experimentally stocked into a small fish-free lake to test the hypothesis that the size-dependent habitat shift from the epibenthic to the pelagic habitat is genetically ... -
Estimating the mean areal snow water equivalent from satellite images and snow pillows
(Hydra rapport;1998:2, Report, 1998)By modelling the snow accumulation process in time and space as sums of random gamma distributed variables, the mean areal snow water equivalent (SWE) can be estimated. In the methodology we make use of the fact that sums ... -
Threshold values of river discharge and temperature for anglers' catch of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L
(Journal article, 1999)The catch by anglers of adult Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., was studied over a 5-year period in the River Gaula, Norway. Atlantic salmon were caught over a wide range (23–570 m3 s−1) of the observed extent of river ... -
Kvantifisering av usikkerhet i meteorologiske og hydrologiske prognoser
(Notat;3, Report, 1999)Delprosjekt HYDRA F7, "Kvantifisering av usikkerhet i hydrologiske og meteorologiske prognoser", ble delvis initiert på bakgrunn av de store avvik mellom prognosene fra flomvarslingen på NVE og Glommens og Laagens ... -
Ferskvannsressurser og fiskeoppdrett
(Journal article, 2000)Fiskeoppdrett i storskala er blitt en viktig næring i Norge. Omfanget av små fiskeoppdrettsanlegg har mer lokal interesse selvom de anses å kunne være en viktig binæring i distriktene. Disse må imidlertid også behandles ... -
The macroinvertebrate communities of two contrasting Norwegian glacial rivers in relation to environmental variables
(Journal article, 2001)1. Macroinvertebrate communities in two Norwegian glacial rivers, one in the western fjords (Dalelva) and one in the eastern mountains (Leirungsåi), were investigated during three time periods in 1996 and 1997. 2. Channel ... -
Effects of water discharge and temperature on the seaward migration of anadromous brown trout, Salmo trutta, smolts
(Journal article, 2001)The smolt run of anadromous brown trout (Sulmo trutta) in a Norwegian river was studied for three consecutive years. The main run occurred in a period of 7–10 days in the middle or second half of May. Support was found for ... -
Long‐term variation in piscivory in a brown trout population: effect of changes in available prey organisms
(Journal article, 2002)The piscivorous behaviour in a brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) population was studied in four discrete periods over seven decades (1917–94) in the hydroelectric reservoir Tunhovdfjord in Norway established in 1919. Piscivorous ... -
A spatial disaggregating procedure for precipitation
(Journal article, 2002)A disaggregation procedure is presented to render forecast values of precipitation from an atmospheric model with spatial resolution of 11 × 11 km suitable as input for a distributed hydrological model with spatial resolution ... -
Norsk vassdragsforvaltning ved et veiskille?
(Journal article, 2002)Forvaltning av vannressurser har internasjonalt og nasjonalt endret karakter de senere år. Et fellestrekk er at det ikke nødvendigvis er nok vann til alle brukerinteresser, samtidig som vassdragsmiljøet har fått økt ... -
Weirs as a Mitigation Measure in Regulated Rivers - The Norwegian Experience
(Journal article, 2003)Hydropower has been extensively developed in Norway and mitigation measures afe one of the major elements in the planning and licensing procedure. Measures include flow management, weirs, substrate improvement, fish ladders ... -
Dynamical properties of the spatial distribution of snow
(Journal article, 2003)A simulation exercise has been performed to study the temporal development of snow covered area and the spatial distribution of snow-water equivalent (SWE). Special consideration has been paid to how the properties of the ... -
Temporal variability in snow distribution
(Journal article, 2004)Snow-courses data have been collected in order to investigate the temporal variability of snow distribution in two catchments in southern Norway during the 2002 melt season. The profiles represent different elevations, ... -
Spatial and Temporal Variation in the Grilse Proportion of Atlantic Salmon in Norwegian Rivers
(Journal article, 2004)Variation in the sea age at maturity of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar was studied in 158 Norwegian rivers over large spatial (58–71°N; 5–30°E) and temporal (1983–2000) scales. Age at sexual maturity was expressed as the ... -
Reproductive migration of brown trout in a small Norwegian river studied by telemetry
(Journal article, 2004)The movement of 34 large (39–73 cm standard length) brown trout Salmo trutta was monitored using radio telemetry for up to 74 days in Brumunda, a small Norwegian river (mean annual discharge 3·3 m3 s−1) flowing into the ... -
Long‐term variation in the population structure of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, and brown trout, Salmo trutta
(Journal article, 2004)The effects of induced water level fluctuations and introduction of the mysid Mysis relicta Lovén on population structure of brown trout, Salmo trutta L., and Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), were studied during ... -
Time variant snow distribution for use in hydrological models
(Journal article, 2004)A model is put forward which focuses on the dynamical evolution of the spatial distribution of snow water equivalent (SWE). We make use of the fact that when the accumulation and ablation process of the snow reservoir is ...