Browsing FoU og forskningsartikler by Title
Now showing items 13-32 of 176
Changes in snow depth in Norway during the period 1961–2010
(Journal article, 2013)Observed trends in annual maximum snow depth (SD) in Norway are analyzed and examined in the context of changes in winter climate from 1961 until today. Trends are evaluated for the 50-year period (1961–2010) and for three ... -
Colours and maps for communicating natural hazards to users with and without colour vision deficiency
(Journal article, 2022)Natural hazards are often communicated visually using colours and maps. However, users' ability to read and understand these products may be hampered by e.g., colour vision deficiency, potentially rendering the products ... -
Contemporary ocean warming and freshwater conditions are related to later sea age at maturity in Atlantic salmon spawning in Norwegian rivers
(Journal article, 2012)Atlantic salmon populations are reported to be declining throughout its range, raising major management concerns. Variation in adult fish abundance may be due to variation in survival, growth, and timing of life history ... -
Dammer som kulturminner
(Report, 2013)Prosjektet "Dammer som kulturminner" søker å presentere et utvalg dammer som viser mangfoldet av damtyper på landsbasis. Hensikten med prosjektet er å bidra til framtidig bevaring av historisk viktige dammer og å gi økt ... -
DDDUrban, ny urbanhydrologisk modell, – resultater fra SURF-prosjektet
(Journal article, 2020)Økt urbanisering og klimaforandringer etterspør urbanhydrologiske modeller som kan beskrive urban avrenning også for områder med lite målinger. Vi presenterer en parameter gjerrig nedbør-avløps modell, DDDUrban som beskriver ... -
Density of juvenile brown trout and Atlantic salmon in natural and man-natural riverine habitats
(Journal article, 1995)The density of juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) and Atlantic salmon (Salmon salar L.) was significantly higher along river bank areas protected against erosion than along natural river banks in the River Gaula, Central ... -
Disentangling local from macroenvironmental effects: Quantifying the effect of human encroachments based on historical river catches of anadromous salmonids
(Journal article, 2006)In this paper, we use dynamic factor and intervention analysis to identify and quantify the effect of human encroachments on anadromous salmonid catches in 22 Norwegian rivers over a 128-year period. In particular, we ... -
Divergent trends in anadromous salmonid populations in Norwegian and Scottish rivers
(Journal article, 2009)The Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is a charismatic anadromous fish of high conservation and economic value. Concerns have been expressed regarding the long-term viability of fisheries throughout the species’s distributional ... -
Diverging life cycle patterns of two Diamesa species (Diptera, Chironomidae) in High Arctic streams, Svalbard
(Journal article, 2021)The fauna of streams in the High Arctic, dominated by chironomids, is shaped by extreme environmental conditions that represent the physiological limits for benthic invertebrates. Despite their ecological importance, little ... -
DOKIVER - dokumentasjon av kulturminner i vassdrags- og energisektoren
(NVE Rapport;42, Report, 2019)For å forenkle prosessen og heve kvaliteten på dokumentasjon av kulturminner i vassdrags- og energisektoren, har NVE utviklet en standard med veiledning og et digitalt registreringsskjema. Dokumentasjonsstandarden er delt ... -
Dynamical properties of the spatial distribution of snow
(Journal article, 2003)A simulation exercise has been performed to study the temporal development of snow covered area and the spatial distribution of snow-water equivalent (SWE). Special consideration has been paid to how the properties of the ... -
Ecological condition, biodiversity and major environmental challenges in a tropical river network in the Bago District in South-central Myanmar: First insights to the unknown
(Journal article, 2021)Freshwater ecosystems in the Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot face immediate threats through habitat loss and species extinction. Systems to monitor ecological status and trends in biodiversity are therefore crucially needed. ... -
Ecological correlates of riverine diatom and macroinvertebrate alpha and beta diversity across Arctic Fennoscandia
(Journal article, 2020-09)Arctic freshwaters support biota adapted to the harsh conditions at these latitudes, but the climate is changing rapidly and so are the underlying environmental filters. Currently, we have limited understanding of broad‐scale ... -
Effects of irrigation on the water and energy balances of the Colorado and Mekong river basins
(Journal article, 2006)An irrigation scheme, based on simulated soil moisture deficit, has been included in the variable infiltration capacity macroscale hydrologic model. Water withdrawals are taken from the nearest river, or, in periods of ... -
Effects of pollution-induced changes in oxygen conditions scaling up from individuals to ecosystems in a tropical river network
(Journal article, 2021)Anthropogenic inputs of nutrients and organic matter are common in tropical lowland rivers while little is known about the pollution-induced changes in oxygen availability and respiratory performance of ectotherms in these ... -
Effects of water discharge and temperature on the seaward migration of anadromous brown trout, Salmo trutta, smolts
(Journal article, 2001)The smolt run of anadromous brown trout (Sulmo trutta) in a Norwegian river was studied for three consecutive years. The main run occurred in a period of 7–10 days in the middle or second half of May. Support was found for ... -
Effektiv kommunikasjon av naturfarevarsel fra NVE : hvordan kan NVE best formidle naturfarevarsler?
(NVE Rapport;2020:21, Report, 2020)Prosjektet «Effektiv kommunikasjon av naturfarevarsel» ble gjennomført i regi av NVE i periode 2017-2018. Hovedmålet var å undersøke om naturfarevarslene blir forstått og utløser endret adferd hos brukerne av tre av våre ... -
(NVE Rapport;2015:103, Research report, 2015)Punktanalyse av nødstrømberedskap i noen utvalgte kommuner i Nordland og Vestfold. Kartlegging ble gjennomført av Fylkesmennene i de nevnte fylker på oppdrag gitt av NVE. -
Energi fra overflatevann i Norge - kartlegging av økonomisk potensial
(Report, 2011)På oppdrag for NVE har NGI i samarbeid med COWI AS gjennomført en kartlegging av potensialet for å utnytte overflatevann til oppvarmingsformål ved hjelp av varmepumper. Undersøkelsen viser at potensialet for å bruke ... -
Energibruk og konverteringstap ved bioenergiproduksjon
(Report, 2011)Energibruk og konverteringstap for produksjonskjedene av de mest relevante bioenergibærerne/bioenergiproduktene i Norge er kartlagt gjennom livsløpsvurderinger (LCA). Resultatene viser stor spredning, med klar sammenheng ...